We at Whalebone Urban Surf are so excited to be in Raleigh and we are ready to let Triangle residents know who we are! While the Whalebone name is synonymous with surfers and beachcombers all around, we want the great people that work in the store every day to be just as well known as the name itself.

This is our beautiful group of Whalebone Urban Surf ladies! Allie(far left), is a graduate of UNCW and recently moved back to North Carolina after living in Vail, Colorado for 2 years! Alisa(2nd from left), is also a graduate of UNCW and relocated to Raleigh from Greensboro to be the Assistant Manager of our great shop! Hannah(2nd from right), is a Senior at Millbrook High and will go off to college next Fall! Last but not least, Stevi(far right), is also a UNCW graduate and is the manager of Whalebone Urban Surf. Her father, Jim Vaughn, is the owner of all three Whalebone locations. She hails from the Outer Banks and has been living in Argentina for the past 4 years. Now she is back and keeping Whalebone in the family! We are all so very excited to be part of such a special and unique shop!

Whalebone Urban Surf is very proud of our great group of guys! Joe(far left), originally is from California and is a recent graduate of NC State. Ty(2nd from left), is originally from Hawaii and relocated to the Raleigh area for school. Jim Vaughn(middle), is the owner of the all the Whalebone locations and is a regular fixture in the shop! Tucker(far right), is originally from Greenville, NC and is currently a student at NC State.
We have a great team so please come in and get to know us because we want to get to know all of you!