Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Employee Spotlight: Joe Hesselblad

The next Whalebone Urban Surf employee we want everyone to get to know a little better is Bay Area native Joe Hesselblad.  He is a recent college graduate who loves to both surf and skate and is a very important part of the Whalebone team!  His knowledge and passion for surf culture is undeniable and we are excited to have him in the shop every week!

Name: Joe Hesselblad

Hometown:  Walnut Creek, California

Education:  B.A. in Anthropology from North Carolina State University

Favorite Food:  Anything Mexican, especially Burritos!

What is your favorite thing about working at Whalebone Urban Surf?

JH:  I enjoy being a part of the expansion of surf culture in Raleigh.

What is the #1 item on your Whalebone wish list?

JH:  The 7'2 Takayama Surftech Egg

What is your favorite line Whalebone carries?

JH: Volcom

Where is your dream vacation spot?

JH: Anywhere is South America

What do you want to be when you grow up?

JH:  I want to be successful!

When not working at Whalebone, what are your hobbies?

JH:  Surfing, skating, eating and most of all soccer!

What is your surfboard of choice?

JH:  Channel Islands "Dumpster Diver"

What is your favorite regional surf spot?

JH:  Fort Macon in Atlantic Beach, North Carolina

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